Napoleon Class 10 SSt

Napoleon Class 10 SSt

Napoleon Class 10 SSt

Napoleon was the emperor of France from 1804 to 1815.

Napoleon destroyed the democracy in France and re-established the monarchy there.
But he made many revolutionary changes in the field of administration.
He tried to make that system better and efficient.
Civil Code of 1804; Also known as the Napoleonic Code; He abolished all the facilities available on the basis of birth.
It gave equal status to all in law and strengthened the right to property. as he did in France; He made new reforms in every area under his control.
It simplified administrative divisions in the Dutch Republic, Switzerland, Italy and Germany. He abolished the feudal system and freed the peasants from slavery and jagir duties.
The limitations imposed by the craft circles prevalent in the cities were also removed. Improvements were made to the means of transport and communication.

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