Parliamentary Government

Parliamentary Government

  1. When did India gain independence?
    Answer: 15 August 1947
  2. What were the main ideas that inspired people to join the freedom struggle?
    Answer: Freedom, equality, and participation in decision-making
  3. Did people have the right to criticize the British government under colonial rule?
    Answer: No
  4. What did the Indian National Congress demand in 1885?
    Answer: Right to discuss the government budget and ask questions
  5. Which Act allowed for some elected representation in India?
    Answer: Government of India Act 1909
  6. Who were the nationalists?
    Answer: People who criticized the British government and made demands for self-rule
  7. What principle was laid down by the Indian Constitution after independence?
    Answer: Political equality through universal adult franchise
  8. At what age do Indian citizens get the right to vote?
    Answer: 18 years
  9. What is the main function of the Parliament?
    Answer: To control and guide the government
  10. What are the three components of the Union Parliament?
    Answer: President, Rajya Sabha, and Lok Sabha
  11. What is the Rajya Sabha also known as?
    Answer: Council of States
  12. How many members does the Rajya Sabha have?
    Answer: 250 members
  13. How many members of the Rajya Sabha are nominated by the President?
    Answer: 12 members
  14. Who elects the members of the Rajya Sabha from each state?
    Answer: Members of the Legislative Assembly of that state
  15. What is the Lok Sabha also called?
    Answer: House of the People
  16. What is the maximum strength of the Lok Sabha as per the Constitution?
    Answer: 552 members
  17. How long is the term of the Lok Sabha?
    Answer: 5 years
  18. Who appoints the Prime Minister of India?
    Answer: The President
  19. What is the most important function of the Parliament?
    Answer: To select the Prime Minister and his Council
  20. Who is the head of the government in India?
    Answer: The Prime Minister
  21. What is the term used for the first hour of a Lok Sabha sitting?
    Answer: Question Hour
  22. Who presides over the meetings of the Council of Ministers?
    Answer: The Prime Minister
  23. What happens if the Lok Sabha expresses a lack of confidence in the Council of Ministers?
    Answer: The Government must resign
  24. What is a Bill in Parliament?
    Answer: A legislative proposal
  25. When does a Bill become a law?
    Answer: After it is signed by the President

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