Electric Motor Class 10

Electric Motor Class 10

As you can see, the coil is motor, as you can see the coil is connected with a external source from this external source, there will be a flow of current in the coil, which is placed perpendicular to the magnetic field, so when the flow of current is happening through this coil, it will be rotating. Right? So it will be rotating, one-half which means this AB will be going to this side, and CD will be coming to this side.

A simple electric motor

Once it completes it’s half rotation, what will happen, the split ring over here, will be reversing the flow of current, so that it will be able to complete one full rotation. If it is not rotating fully, you just imagine how your mixer grinder will work, or how you’re fan will work? So, for that we are using a split ring. Split ring is also, here the split ring is acting as a commutator. Commutator is nothing, but it’s a device which reverses the flow of current. So, I’ll repeat the working of electric motor, as you can see from the external source, there will be a flow of current in the coil, which is perpendicular to the magnetic field, as the flow of current in the coil is moving, what will happen this coil will be rotating, once this coil completes the half rotation, the split ring will be reversing the flow of current, because it will be acting as a commutator. Right? So, once it reverses the flow of current, then it will be completing one complete rotation. This is how our electric motor works.

Class 10 Notes in Hindi


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