अंग्रेजी क्यों सीखें WHY LEARN ENGLISH

अंग्रेजी क्यों सीखें WHY LEARN ENGLISH अंग्रेजी सीखने के चार उद्देश्य Four aims of learning english:- (1) To hear right English. सही अंग्रेजी सुनने और समझने के लिए (2) To speak right English. सही इंग्लिश बोलने के लिए (3) To read right English. सही इंग्लिश  पढ़ने के लिए (4) To write right English. सही इंग्लिश … Read more

Opposite Words

Opposite Words Opposite Words words opposite able disable absence preseance abundant scarce accept  Refuse accurate   Inaccurate acients Modern active inactive active passive actor actoress admin deny advance retire advantages disadvantages advantge Disadvantage agreeable disagreeable ainther authoress alive  Dead all none always  Never answer question appearance non-appearance approached receded approval Disapproval argublary unargublary arrival departure … Read more

The Devastating Consequences of a World Without Forests

world without forests short essay for kids The Devastating Consequences of a World Without Forests Forests play a vital role in the health of our planet. They absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, provide oxygen, regulate the climate, and provide habitat for millions of species. Unfortunately, deforestation is happening at an alarming rate, and if … Read more

How to write Notice

Hi students notice writing is a special task, you can learn easily by following the correct steps which are given in the below video watch carefully this video and write a good notice Click here ⇒ Notice Writing


All सभी सारे Any कोई किसी भी Anybody कोई किसी कोई भी Anyone किसी किसी को Anything कुछ भी Both दोनों Each प्रत्येक हर Either भी या तो Everybody हर कोई सब लोग Everyone हर कोई प्रत्येक व्यक्ति Everything सब कुछ  Few कुछ ही कुछ He वह उन्होंने Her उसे उसके उसकी उस Her उसे … Read more

Write a letter to the collector of your district

Write a letter to the collector of your district Write a letter to the collector of your district complaining about the irregular supply of electricity in your town Dadhich Colony Mathura road Beawar 17 April 2016 collector Beawar district Ajmer Subject complain for irregular supply of electricity Sir By this letter I want to bring … Read more

How to start a speech

Good morning all of you respected chief guest principle Vardi teachers and my dear friends myself Rajkumar Sharma from Class 12C standing here in front of you to give my views on the topic…………………..

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Letter to Editor

Letter to Editor अपना पता Date The Editor Times of India Beawar Subject Sir Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper I want to draw the attention of all about समस्या का नाम प्रश्नपत्र में से I request the concerned authorities to look into the matter . With thanks Yours faithfully Name

Thirsty Crow A SHORT STORY

Thirsty Crow A SHORT STORY Thirsty Crow A SHORT STORY One day a crow was exceptionally parched. He flew here and there looking for water. He couldn’t discover the water. He sat on a branch of a tree. There was a pitcher under the tree. There was some water in the pitcher. He attempted to … Read more

ताज महल Taj Mahal

भारत में कई खूबसूरत और देखने लायक ऐतिहासिक स्थानों रहे हैं। लेकिन आगरा के ताजमहल सभी की सबसे सुंदर है।यह संगमरमर में एक सपना है।मेरे दोस्त और मैं पिछली गर्मियों की छुट्टियों में दौरा किया है।दर्शन के मुझ पर जादू कर दिया।यह अद्वितीय महिमा में खड़ा था।क्या ही बढ़िया वास्तव में लेआउट!यह एक ऐसा की … Read more

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