My Mother at Sixty-six
1 My Mother at Sixty-six
Driving from my parents
home to Cochin last Friday
morning, I saw my mother,
beside me,
doze, open mouthed, her face
ashen like that
of a corpse and realised with
that she was as old as she
looked but soon
put that thought away, and
looked out at Young
Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling
out of their homes, but after the airports
security check, standing a few yards
away, I looked again at her, wan,
as a late winters moon and felt that
familiar ache, my childhoods fear,
but all I said was, see you soon,
all I did was smile and smile and
Summary of My Mother at Sixty Six in hindi
Think it out
- What is the kind of pain and ache that the poet feels?
- Why are the young trees described as sprinting?
- Why has the poet brought in the image of the merry children spilling out of their homes?
- Why has the mother been compared to the late winters moon?
- What do the parting words of the poet and her smile signify?