Reading Practice For Kartik
Who Loves The Trees Best?
Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Little Jack Horner, Cinderella, Dorothy, Peter Pan, Tarzan, Alice Goldilocks. Aladdin, Pinnochio
The poem tells us about the seosom which love the trees mot it is the setor to leavers, flowers and fruits and provide relief to trees
Who loves the trees best?
I said the spring,
Green leaves so beautiful
To them bring
Who loves the trees best?
I said the summer,
give them flowers,
White, yellow and red!”
Who loves the trees best?
I.said the autumn,
I give them ripe fruits,
Golden and red!”
I love them best,
I Who loves the trees best?
Harsh winter answered,
I give the rest.
Once, a Greedy Dog found a piece of bread from same where. He wanted to take it home He was crossing a river by bridge. When the dog was in the middle of bridge, he metical his own shadow in the water of river. But he thought that it was another dog with the piece of bread. The greedy dog wanted to grab that piece also. So he jumped into water in a great excitement. He was carried away by strong waves of river.