Rise of Nationalism in Europe Intro

Rise of Nationalism in Europe Introduction

Question: Who was Fredrik Soureu?

Answer: A French artist.

Question: How many series of paintings did Fredrik Soureu draw?

Answer: Fredrik Soureu made a series of 4 pictures.

Question: What words was made up of Fredrik Soureu’s A World of Dreams?

Answer: from “Democratic and Social Republics”.

Question: Which people are shown in the picture of Fredrik Soureu?

Answer: People of North Europe and America.

Question: Whom are all the people worshiping in the picture of Fredrik Soureu?

Answer: the Statue of Liberty.

Question: What is in the hands of the Statue of Liberty?

Answer: In one hand the torch of enlightenment and in the other the Declaration of Human Rights.

Question: What are scattered on the ground in front of the statue?

Answer: The demolished remains of post-autocratic institutions.

Question: What is the name of Fredrik Soureu’s imagination?

Answer: Utopia.

Question: How can the people of the world be recognized in Utopia?

Answer: from their clothing and national dress.

Question: In the portrait of Fredrik Soureau, by whom can France be recognized?

Answer: France can be recognized by the Revolutionary Tricolor.

Question: What is absolutism?

Answer: Such a government or system of governance, which has no control on its power, is called autocracy.

Question: Who is called autocratic government?

Answer: Governments that were highly centralised, based on military force and repressive. In history they have been called autocratic government.

Question: What is Kalpanadarsh ​​(Utopia)?

Answer: Kalpanadarsh ​​(Utopia) is the vision of a society which is so ideal that it is almost impossible to realize it.

Question: Who are the people behind France in Fredric Soureau’s portrait?

Answer: The people of Germany are behind France in the portrait of Fredrik Soureu.

Question: How are the people of Germany recognized in the portrait of Fredrik Soureu?

Answer: The people of Germany hold a black, red and gold flag.

Question: What was the condition of the German people at the time of the painting of Fredrik Soureu?

Answer: By this time the German people had not become part of a single United Nations.

Question: What is the expression of the flag held in the hands of the German people?

Answer: The flag held in the hands of the German people is an expression of the liberal hopes of 1848.

Question: What does the upper part of Fredrik Soureu’s portrait represent?

Answer: Heaven is shown above in this picture from where Jesus Christ, saints and angels are setting their eyes on this scene.

Question: In what way did Fredrik Soureu use Jesus Christ, saints and angels in his painting?

Answer: Fredrik Soureu has used these as a symbol of brotherhood among the nations of the world.

Question: Which one emerged in place of the multi-national dynasty empires of Europe?

Answer:  The Nation-State.

Question: When did nation-state and nationalism come into existence in Europe?

Answer: Nation-states and nationalism came into existence in late 19th century Europe.

Question: Who was Ansert Rennan?

Answer: Ansert Rennan was a French philosopher.

Question: In which university did Ernst Rennan deliver his lecture?

Answer: at the University of Saubon.

Question: In which famous essay was the lecture of Ernest Rennan published?

Answer: ‘What is a nation?’

Question: Which idea does Ernst Rennan criticize?

Answer: Ernst Rennon criticizes the idea that nations are made up of a common language, race, religion or region.

Question: What is a nation according to Ernst Rennan?

Answer: According to Ernst Rennan, the nation is a large and comprehensive unity, its existence is a daily referendum.

Question: What is a referendum called?

Answer: A direct vote by which all the people of a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal is called a referendum.

Question: What if there is only one law and only one master in the world?

Answer: In this situation freedom will be lost.

French Revolution and the Idea of ​​the Nation

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