Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Before the middle of the nineteenth century, European countries were not in the form we know them today.
Different regions of Europe were ruled by different types of hereditary kingdoms. All these were monarchical rulers who used to have complete control over their subjects.
There were many such changes in technology during that period, due to which the changes in the society gave rise to the feeling of nationalism.
With the French Revolution starting in 1789, the process of building new nations had also started. But it took almost a hundred years for this new ideology to take root.
As a result of this, France was formed as a democratic country.
This trend continued in other parts of Europe as well, and by the beginning of the twentieth century, modern democratic systems were established in many parts of the world.

French Revolution
Aristocrat class
rise of middle class
liberal nationalism
liberalization in the economic sphere
Birth of a new conservatism after 1815
Vienna Treaty
Giuseppe Matcini
Greece’s independence
nationalist sentiment
Hunger and people’s protest
Liberals’ Revolution
frankfurt parliament
Otto von Bismarck

unification of italy
Britain’s weirdest story
balkan crisis
Nationalism and Imperialism


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