The Age of Revolution: 1830-1848

The Age of Revolution: 1830-1848

The Age of Revolution: 1830-1848

Question: When did the first rebellion take place in Europe?
Answer: The first rebellion took place in 1830 in France.
Question: Who was the head of the constitutional monarchy?
Answer Louis Philippe.
Question: “When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches a cold” Who said?
Answer: Maternich.
Question: Why did the rebellion break out in Brussels?
Answer: Because of the July Revolution.
Q: What did Brussels break away from?
Answer: United Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Question: Which incident infused national sentiments among the entire educated class?
Answer: Greece’s War of Independence.
Question: Which empire was Greece part of in the 15th century?
Answer: Ottoman Empire.
Question: When did the struggle for independence of the Greeks begin?
Answer: In 1821.
Question: Which English poet raised money and later went to fight in the war?
Answer: English poet Lord Byron.
Question: When was the Treaty of Kustuntuniya signed?
Answer: In 1832.
Question: Which treaty recognized Greece as an independent nation?
Answer: The Kustuntuniya Treaty of 1832.
Question: Who was Johann Gott Fried?
Answer: Was a German philosopher.
Question: Who made the claim that “true German culture was rooted in its common people”?
Answer: The German philosopher Johann Gott Fried.
Question: From whom did the true spirit of the Volkgeist appear?
Answer: From folk songs, folk poems and folk dances.
Q: What is The Massacre at Kios?
Answer: 4.19 m × 3.56 m big big picture.
Question: Whose composition is ‘The Massacre at Chaos’?
Answer: Della Crova.
Question: Who is Dela Crova?
Answer: A French painter.
Question: According to The Massacre at Kios, how many Greeks did the Turks kill?
Answer: 20,000.
Question: Who partitioned Poland?
Answer: Big powers like Russia, Essa and Austria.
Question: Which folk dances did Carol Kurewski turn into a national symbol?
Answer: Polenes and Mazurka.
Question: How did the Russian occupation affect the Polish language?
Answer: The Polish language was forcibly removed from the schools and the Russian language was forcibly imported.
Question: How did the Polish language come to be seen?
Answer: As a symbol of the struggle against Russian domination.
Question: When was an armed rebellion against Russia due to the suppression of the Polish language?
Answer: In 1831.
Question: Who collected and published folk tales in German?
Answer: Brothers named Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm.
Question: Who published a dictionary of the German language in 33 volumes?
Answer: Brothers named Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm.
Question: What did the Grimm brothers consider a threat to German culture?
Answer: French supremacy.
Q: What is Grimes Fairytales?
Answer: A collection of folktales by the Grimm brothers.

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