Visualization of The Nation

Visualization of The Nation

Visualization of The Nation

Question: In what disguise were nations presented in the 19th century?

Answer: In female disguise.

Question: Who became the metaphor of the nation in the 19th century?

Answer: Woman’s image.

Question: Who was considered the symbol of freedom?

Answer: Red cap or broken chain.

Question: In what symbolic form is justice expressed?

Answer: as a woman blindfolded and with scales in her hand.

Question: What was the name given to the symbol of justice in France?

Answer: Popular Christian name ‘Marian’.

Question: Whom does Marianne represent?

Answer:  French Republic.

Question: Which picture was the allegory of the German nation?

Answer: Germany’s photo.

Question: Whose crown does Germania wear?

Answer:  is the leaves of the Baloch tree.

Question: What does the German Baloch symbolize?

Answer: Bravery.

Question: Who made the picture of Germany?

Answer: by the painter Philip Waite in 1848.

Question was supposed to symbolize what 7 questions to make

Question: Who was the painter of ‘The Fallen Germania’?

Answer: Julius Hubner (1850).

Question: Who was the painter of ‘Germania Guarding the Rhine’?

Answer: Lorenz Classen (1860).

Question: What is inscribed on the sword of Germania?

Answer: “The German sword protects the German Rhine.”

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