Dr. Har Gobind Khorana

Dr. Har Gobind Khorana, an Indian American scientist, revolutionized genetics, earning the 1968 Nobel Prize in Medicine for decoding the genetic code and its role in protein synthesis crucial for all life functions. Born in a poor family in British India, he overcame obstacles through education, supported by scholarships, becoming a renowned biochemist. Pioneering synthetic … Read more

what did the British do to get rebel landowners of Awadh to surrender ?

During the British rule in India, the British enacted various policies and strategies to suppress rebellions and maintain control over territories like Awadh. One of the strategies employed to deal with rebellious landowners in Awadh was the Doctrine of Lapse. This policy, introduced by Lord Dalhousie, aimed to annex princely states whose rulers died without … Read more

What is a sweep program ? write its two objectives?

What is a sweep program ? write its two objectives? A sweep program typically refers to a government initiative aimed at addressing a specific social or economic issue through targeted actions or interventions. Two objectives of a sweep program might include:

Class 12 The Crisis of Democratic Order MCQs

Class 12 The Crisis of Democratic Order MCQs Why was Emergency imposed? Was it necessary? (a) Due to external aggression (b) Perceived threat of internal disturbance (c) Natural disaster (d) To suppress freedom of press Answer Answer: (b) Perceived threat of internal disturbance What did the imposition of Emergency mean in practice? (a) Suspension of … Read more

Opposite Words Quiz

Opposite Words Quiz Opposite Words Quiz Opposite Words Quiz Choose the opposite word for each given word: 1. Brave Fearless Timid Bold Courageous 2. Accept Deny Agree Approve Refuse 3. Difficult Hard Challenging Simple Easy 4. Start Initiate Begin End Launch 5. Happy Content Sad Joyful Cheerful 6. Close Shut Near Distant Open 7. Big … Read more

Class 8 English Find Odd One

Class 8 English Find Odd One Sound Odd One Out Quiz Sound Odd One Out Quiz Choose the word that doesn’t belong based on sound: 1. Which word sounds different? Bell Sell Well Tell 2. Choose the word with a different sound: Break Steak Speak Peak 3. Which word sounds odd? Sight Right Night Bright … Read more


CHAPTER 5: CHALLENGES TO AND RESTORATION OF THE CONGRESS SYSTEM MCQs 1. What was the major concern regarding succession after Jawaharlal Nehru’s death in 1964? (a) Economic stability (b) Democratic survival (c) Foreign policy (d) Technological advancement Answer Answer: (b) Democratic survival 2. What was the primary fear regarding India’s democratic experiment after Nehru’s death? … Read more

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