Question 1 What is the spinal cord made up of?
Answer:- The spinal cord is made up of nerves.
Question 2 What is the main coordination center of the body?
Answer:- Brain.
Question 3 Which system do the brain and the spinal cord together make up?
Answer: Central nervous system.
Question 4 Who receives information from all parts of the body?
Answer:- Brain and spinal cord.
Question 5 Give examples of optional works.
Answer:- Writing, talking, clapping etc.
Question 6: On what are voluntary actions based?
Answer:- They are based on the decision of what to do next.
Question 7: Who facilitates communication between the central nervous system and other parts of the body?
Answer:- Peripheral nervous system.
Question 8 What is the system made up of cranial nerves and Nehru nerves called?
Answer:- Peripheral nervous system.
Question 9 Who gives us the permission to think and the permission for actions based on thinking?
Answer:- Brain.
Question 10 How many are the main parts of the brain?
Answer :- 3 parts fore brain, middle brain and hind brain.
Question 11: Which part of the brain does the work of thinking?
Answer:- Fore brain.
Question 12: In which brain are there areas to receive sensory impulses from receptors?
Answer: In the forebrain.
Question 13 For what functions are the different parts of the forebrain specialized?
Answer: For hearing, seeing, smelling etc.
Question 14: By whom is the decision taken to transmit feedback and information to the motivational region?
Answer: By the forebrain.
Question 15 In which part of the brain is the area related to hunger?
Answer: In the forebrain.
Question 16: What are involuntary actions?
Answer:- Actions on which our thinking has no control are called involuntary actions.
Question 17: By whom are all involuntary actions controlled?
Answer: Through the medulla located in the hindbrain.
Question 18 Give examples of involuntary actions.
Answer: Blood pressure, salivation, vomiting etc.
Question 19: Walking in a straight line is controlled by what?
Answer: By the cerebellum located in the hindbrain.
Question 20 By whom is cycling controlled?
Answer: By the cerebellum located in the hindbrain.
Question 21 What controls the lifting of a pencil?
Answer: By the cerebellum located in the hindbrain.
Question 22 Who is responsible for the purification of voluntary actions?
Answer: Cerebellum.
Question 23 Which is responsible for the constitution and balance of the body?
Answer: Cerebellum.